Learning languages in the digital era

Do you think that language learning has become easier with the help of modern technology? I guess, most of you will say ‘yes’, and I completely share this opinion with you. For example, there are lots of apps for memorizing words like quizlet or anki. The second one will even ask you after some time to transform these words from short memory to long memory. There are also apps like Duolingo. Many people hate it, but it’s still one of the best. It can help you to start learning a language constantly and make a habit of it. Plus, the format is quite pleasing with different stories, grammar rules and even podcasts. Besides, it motivates you immensely when you have 30-day streak you just don’t want to break it. What’s your personal attitude to this charming owl app? In conclusion, as we all agreed( I hope. P.S. if you didn’t leave a comment below) language learning has become a little bit easier, but it’s still a long-lasting and complex process.


  1. If this question appears, peo is Lena Gromova. I tried to fix it but it didn't work out

  2. You've hit the nail on the head here! Nowadays it's easier to learn languages and do so in a fun and accessible way that doesn't make you bored after 5 minutes of studying. I would also like to add that even though apps do make studying easier, I prefer immersion as a way of learning languages. Just imagine, you can watch TV shows and read your favourite books while also brushing up on your language skills!


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